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Golf Associations

The Longboat Key Club Golf membership has very active Men’s (MGA) and Ladies (WGA) associations numbering over 200 participants in each group.

The Ladies association has about 150 active members and plays every Tuesday throughout the year. The Men’s association has over 150 active members as well, that play on Wednesday’s throughout the year. These associations play both individual and team events each week. There are a wide range of handicaps. On the ladies side our lowest handicap carries an index of less then four and on the Men’s side our lowest handicap is a two. The majority of ladies that play in the WGA have handicaps that fall in the 14-22 range and on the Men’s side the handicap range is between 8 and 20. We do have many other handicap levels but these numbers are what we see for association play. We also have a Ladies nine-hole group called the Key Niners. There are about 80 participants playing on a weekly basis. We currently have about 550 Full and Golf memberships participating at the Longboat Key Club.